Consider Austins Harvey for your next group event. Austins Harvey specialises in bookings for car and motorcycle groups for morning or afternoon tea, lunch or dinner functions with plenty of on site parking for large and small vehicles. Austins Harvey also hosts private functions such as Engagements, Weddings, Birthdays, Anniversaries, High Teas, and themed functions (eg Christmas in July, Halloween, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Christmas).
Austins Harvey B&B is conveniently located diagonally opposite the Harvey Train Station. Relax and catch the Australind from Perth or Bunbury, or enjoy our expansive on site parking. At $120 per night per couple, Austins Harvey is walking distance from Harvey Town shops, the Harvey Bowling Club, the Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre, the Harvey Bulls Football Club and a short drive to most major Harvey attractions. Continental breakfast included, or cooked breakfast by arrangement for an extra charge. Enjoy sitting and relaxing in our alfresco area or wander about the property and enjoy the eclectic treasures and foliage on display.
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